Transat’ 2
avec Will Mountain Cox, Ken Taylor, Rowan Tate, Sharon Olds, Emma Roustand, Jenkin Benson, Mozziconacci Robert-Teyssier, Tancrède Rivière, Lénaïg Cariou, Christopher Alexander, Judith Goldman, Rita Omaya, Rina Kenović, Antoine Hummel, Owen Brakspear, Stephen Williams.
Rédacteur en chef: Léon Pradeau
Editeur·rices invité·es: Clara Nizard, Tancrède Rivière
18 x 13 cm, 80 pages,
200 exemplaires.
Editions les murmurations, 2024.
“Each Transat’ issue is built organically, with solicitations from all three editors, and with submissions we receive—but without predetermined expectations or themes. It’s a confrontation of subjectivities—what the current team feels like throwing in the correspondence—and surprises—what the community feels like sharing with us. We do however work for each issue to bring out a new understanding of our transatlantic conversations. Preparing this one, we couldn’t help but notice: 1°) a recurring interest in the sequence form; 2°) a tickling relationship with riddles.
In the inaugural issue, we noted the volume’s interest in “possible poetics:” the tension and release of poetic utterances. With the sequence form, the poem is adjusted into constellation-repetition, seeming to glide from a matter of possibility to an ethos of practice. Each poem a contracting unit, each sequence a longer articulated gesture. Relational, durational, and iterable: a poetry that becomes a grammar, perhaps.
Surfacing alongside the sequence-form—and in some of these poems, accomplicing with it—is a curious predilection for riddles. To us, a thrilling counterpoint to the textures of ease and suppleness we discussed in our previous édito. Here, rather than a kind of constitutive decontraction, it is rather through encryption or mystery that several texts proceed. Our contemporary predilections for roteness and repeatability are experimented in a hermetic mode, still capable of producing dizzying linguistic logics.”
(extrait de l’édito de Transat’ 2)
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“Le collectif est l’horizon de la revue : Transat’ est avant tout une matrice de rencontres.”
extrait de l’entretien
La revue Transat' : "À son échelle modeste, Transat’ existe pour rappeler que toute langue, toute culture, est poreuse" de Johan Faerber avec Léon Pradeau et Camille Boisaubert pour Collatéral